Dog Ear Infection Treatment

dog esr causes symptoms treatment ear
Picture of  Ear  treatment
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        After we have known the symptoms and causes ,Now we will know The treatment

       Do not use any home remedies , before consulting your veterinarian , you could make the problem worse and even cause hearing loss.

The animal health is a big concern for their owners, for this reason The regular maintenance is essential and he is a one part of basic hygiene care.

       Firstly and foremost, you should clean the  ear, To clean them, must use a cleaner to kill the yeast and bacteria and to stop the spread of infection.
The cleaning liquid should not be the alcohol or an irritant, because the infections is very painful for that you must choose a mild liquid. if the ear has a lot of hair inside, he should be removed carefully with scissors and comb to avoid exposure to infection.
to begin processing, we pour the cleaning liquid into the ear canal , we place a cotton as a cover over the ear for it too absorbs excess liquid and to does not allow the output of the cleaning liquid. then we make a gentle massage at the base of the ear. We make this process until the liquid is immersed in the ear.
Now we clean the ear with cotton multiple times, we must make this process several times until the output of the cotton clean enough. then we leave the ear a period of time (about 15 minutes) to dry, then you can instill the medication recommended by your veterinarian.
your veterinarian will prescribe you a pomade or ear drops or oral medications (antibiotics, anti-inflammation ...) it depends on the severity of the infection.
the duration of treatment depends on the degree of affection

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